It is a difficult issue for anyone to deal with, what is going to happen to my assets and family after I am gone. Coming to grips with this question and making a plan with your attorney may save you time, headache and money. A will is the most basic of the Estate plan. A will can do as much or as little as you would like it to. There are a few important things to think about and a few questions an attorney will ask you.
What property do I have?
What debts do I have?
Who do I want to have this property?
What do I want to do in case I am in a permanent vegetative state?
What do I want done with my remains?
Is my family aware of my post-death wishes?
Do I already have a plot picked out?
Certain requires are needed to be met in order for a will to be valid in the State of Minnesota. Make sure that your attorney takes all precautions to ensure that the will is valid. One of the most complicated of these areas is the Rule Against Perpetuities and by failing to the follow this rule, it may invalidate the specific gift.